Saturday, May 16, 2009

haizz...shoo boring,why must it always be so unlucky...
by rite monday should hav badminton wan lo,ymust mondae be exam marking day!!!
i wan play badminton,i wan i wan i ya,dun wwanna crap tok already la

Thursday, May 14, 2009

"EXAM" has finally come to an end

Yays...hellooooes to everyone,exams is finally coming to an end...
no more exams means dat cca can resume,yay,can't wait for the day to come.
I wan my cca to start agn,when it starts,there will be badminton 4 me to play .
I mus go and play my best....lidat then can hao lian to the sec 1s wat...maybe even the upper sec.I will trash desmond one day...look forwaed to the start of my cca

signing off now

Wednesday, May 6, 2009

finally....finally got to write agn,it seems so long since the last time i wrote,
todae,Si yu keep on di xiao me loh,she is like so mad,say until i sian diao.....
i kanot stand it already,ai ya,dun tok bout her,sho sian,todae kanot play badminon'
Wei xuan dun wan play,then thomas got no time to play...everyday study until sho late wan,i wanna play badminton,i need it,ai ya gtg ,wun miss u