Tuesday, June 30, 2009

sian...todae got ncc day...damn it la
so hot sia the uniform very nice but hot like hell man...damn it...todae also got nth intresting...k la...nvr mind...dun wan tok already

Thursday, June 25, 2009

ai yo...todae so boring sia...no life ah...dun even hav anything to do
cannot even plae badminton...yesterdae leg cramp...until todae still pain sai
sian ah...cannot do anything ...sian sia

Tuesday, June 23, 2009

red hot jumpsuit apparatus rox man...since i 2day got nth to tok about...why not listen music

Sunday, June 21, 2009

ai ya...so sad...loose liao..ai yo...cannoot tak it ah
so no hope lo,y is life always so unfair...i so want to win the competition lo...then suay suay captain write wrong name...to think dat i got so much hope in the competition...y mus heaven be so unfair...damn it la haizz...oh...anyone got a tissue...wah..wah...wah

Tuesday, June 16, 2009

the competition is drawing nearer day by day...im shoo excited...will i win,jus five days and its the start of the badminton competition already...i mus win the competition...no matter wat...mus train harder...im not goin home empty handed...hai ya...dun tok bout tis already la...tis topic so long alredy...oops...gtg...

Sunday, June 14, 2009

competitions is finally comin closer ...
o man...so excited sia...i mus win the competitions..
its my first time man...mus cheer for me,cheer for wei xuan...and last of all cheer for all those in yss participatin in the competiton...jia you

Sunday, June 7, 2009

competition coming round the corner

yay....the ang mo kio cc competition is round the bend ...hope dat i can win the competition and wint the golg medal home....so excited...cheer for me on the day.
so hope dat i can win...when the day come,i must be confident and win the title home...so must win
gtg...signing off now

Monday, June 1, 2009

cheer for me

yes...i finally thot of a topic to tok about
its about badminton...i got six badminton practices
in the holidaes and to add to it,i got a badmninton competition
comin up in the june holidaes...yes...double yay
when copmpetition come...mus cheer for me hor
hi...hi there...finally got to write agn...but so sian leh,like got nothing to tok lidat...nvr mind la...dun tok...we hear music